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Synthetic Pocket Filter


     ※ Frame:Extruded aluminum,Galvanized steel     
     ※ Media:Meltblown PP      
     ※ Efficiency:F5(EN779),40-60% ASHRAE 52/76     
                            F6(EN779),60-80% ASHRAE 52/76    
                            F7(EN779),80-90% ASHRAE 52/76    
                            F8(EN779),90-95% ASHRAE 52/76    
                            F9(EN779),95-98% ASHRAE 52/76    
     ※ The filter shall be approved by underwriter′laboratories      
          as Class-2 
     ※ large filtration area, low resistance, long service life   
     ※ Long service life, high efficiency, large dust capacity,     
          low power consumption   
     ※ Recommended final Pressure drop:450Pa     
Operating conditions:     

     ※ Temperature:≤70℃     
     ※ Humidity:≤90%RH     

     ※ Commercial and industrial ventilation and air conditioning      
          system master filter  
     ※ Clean room air supply system     
     ※ The automobile industry      
     ※ Hotel and office building    

Synthetic Pocket Filter.pdf

FROM:本地 DATE:2010-3-27 10:40:37  NO:

UP:Mini-Pleat ASHRAE Filter


Copyright © 2010-2012 Fleco Filtration Co.,Ltd(China) ADD:1893-1 Huan Qing Road,Kunshan City,JiangSu,China         
0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .