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HOME>>Washable Nylon Pre-filter


Washable Nylon Pre-filter


      ※ Excellent acid and alkali erosion endurance     
      ※ Can be repeated washing, with high economy     
      ※ Good resistance to impact strength     
      ※ The capture of the length of the fibers and dust particles 
           can be easily clean up, however
      ※ filter efficiency is not affected by this cleaning
      ※ Can replace metal filter to reduce costs     
      ※ Light weight, easy to install     

      ※ Using for refrigeration and Air Conditioning Products devices     
      ※ Air cleaning and purification equipment, etc    
      ※ Project against dust pre-filter

Washable Nylon Pre-filter.pdf

FROM:本地 DATE:2010-3-27 10:58:51  NO:

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0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .