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HOME>>Metallic Pre-filter


Metallic Pre-filter


     ※ Multi-layer expanded aluminum mesh with high   
          dust holding capacity
     ※ Low pressure drop,long service life,washable,cost-effective     
     ※ Safe,solid high temperature-and acid-resistant     
     ※ Acid and alkali resistance, high temperature     


     ※ Primary filtration to remove moisture ,oil residue 
          or oil mist,grease    
     ※ Very dirty environments and general ventilation systems     
     ※ The automobile industry     
     ※ Hotel and office building     
     ※ Speeial used in painting industry′s spraying room for 
          the first process of purification

Metallic Pre-filter.pdf

FROM:本地 DATE:2010-3-27 10:23:05  NO:

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0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .