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Washable Baffle filter


         ※ Materials: Galvanized steel,Aluminum steel, Stainless steel sheet   
         ※ Clean resistance to air flow shall not exceed 140PA at 1.5M/S face velocity. Filters
              shall have an average efficiency of 94% at 1.5M/S face velocity.    
         ※ Different sizes and specifications are available    
         ※ Durable            
         ※ Easy to Install        
         ※ Easy to Clean         
         ※ Two handle styles are available     
         ※ Available with or without handles.Into the oil surface,b  ail handles swivel 180
             degrees and can be closed when not in use.Outhe oil surface,lift handles are
             stationary and cannot be closed  
         ※ Clean resistance to air flow shall not exceed 140PA at 1.5M/S face velocity. Filters
              shall have an average efficiency of 94% at 1.5M/S face velocity.  
         ※ The washable  grease filter is specifically engineered for kitchen ventilating
              systems and is designed to be installed in standard canopies or backshelf
              assemblies.Aseries of offset baffles positioned vertically within a frame alters the
              flow of grease-laden air.The Grease impinges upon the baffles and drains
         ※ Holes in the frame bottom divert the grease into a trough and to a container
              away from the fire danger area.Grease filter results were obtained on rendered
             lard material heated to a liquid state and dispersed into the airstream.  

Washable Baffle filter.pdf

FROM:本地 DATE:2010-4-26 16:49:18  NO:

UP:Washable Grease filter


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0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .