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HOME>>Cardboard Synthetic Pre-filter


Cardboard Synthetic Pre-filter


     ※ Media: Polyester        
     ※ Frame: Paper, aluminum or galvanized     
     ※ Protect mesh: Aluminum net or stainless steel net     
     ※ Face net:Spot mesh,Expanded mesh     
     ※ Large filter area     
     ※ Low initial resistance     
     ※ Large dust holding capacity     
     ※ Economical and practical     
     ※ Efficiency:G3/G4 (EN779)     
     ※ Recommended final Pressure drop:200Pa     
     ※ Different sizes and specifications are available     

Operating conditions:     

     ※ Temperature:≤70℃     
     ※ Humidity:≤90%RH     


     ※ Used as Prefilters in commercial and industial central air conditioning systems
         Clean rooms and related industries        

Cardboard Synthetic Pre-filter.pdf

FROM:本地 DATE:2010-4-10 10:46:37  NO:

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Copyright © 2010-2012 Fleco Filtration Co.,Ltd(China) ADD:1893-1 Huan Qing Road,Kunshan City,JiangSu,China         
0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .