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HOME>>Carbon Honeycomb Filter


Carbon Honeycomb Filter

      ※ Does not mask odors, active carbon removes them     
      ※ Lightweight and durable      
      ※ Reduces heating and cooling costs by reducing the need to "air out" rooms.   
      ※ Inexpensive & disposable      
      ※ Easy to install.      
      ※ Unique honeycomb construction provides a high surface area to  utilize every ounce
           of activated carbon.      
      ※ Can be installed with or in place of existing filter.      
      ※ The granular filter is fabricated of a rigid support structure and charged with
            premium grade coconut shell activated carbon. The activated carbon has a surface
            area of 1100  square meters per gram or over one million square feet of surface
            area per square foot of filter. The activated carbon is loaded into the filter
            constructed in a partial bypass configuration to promote odor removal and long life
            in a recalculating application. The actual life of the filter is a function of the dust
            and vapor.     

Operating conditions:
       ※ Temperature:≤70℃     
       ※ Humidity:≤90%RH     

     ※ Health Clubs            
     ※ Beauty Salons      
     ※ Restaurants      
     ※ Hospitals    
     ※ Doctor & Dentist Offices    
     ※ Veterinarian Offices    
     ※ Office Buildings    
     ※ Shopping Malls    
     ※ Schools    

Carbon Honeycomb Filter.pdf


FROM:本地 DATE:2010-4-10 14:01:43  NO:

UP:Carbon Activated Rigid Cell


Copyright © 2010-2012 Fleco Filtration Co.,Ltd(China) ADD:1893-1 Huan Qing Road,Kunshan City,JiangSu,China         
0512-57759300 frigo@frigofiltration.com.cn  Power by cxne.com .